Sonatina Viola by bigcat Instruments
VST Viola based on samples, with sustain, staccato and pizzicato variations.
VST Viola based on samples, with sustain, staccato and pizzicato variations.
A warm diatonic folk/celtic harp released by Versilian Studios, with 3 velocity layers. A Kontakt version is also available.
Flute / Piccolo instrumment, with sustain, staccato and alto variations. Sonatina Fkute is a virtual instrument available on bigcat Instruments website.
Download this Trumpet (Solo / Sustain / Staccato) sampled instrument released by bigcat Instruments, available for Mac OS X and Windows in AU and VST format.
Glockenspiel – metal percussion VST and Audio Unist instrument released by bigcat Instruments, assembled with samples from the public domain library Sonatina.
VST and Audio Unit Tuba instrument for Windows and OSX, with staccato and sustain available on bigcat Instruments blog.